Server Migrations
We offer Server Migrations, which means that we will assist you in moving all sites and webpages, users, email accounts, MySQL databases, and DNS information from one server to another. Specially installed software such as custom RPMs that are not part of a standard system install will not be moved over in most cases.
Most migrations between BlueQuartz/BlueOnyx & Virtualmin may not be able to retain user passwords due to encryption differences between systems. You will be provided with a spreadsheet containing a list of users with a new randomly generated password, you may change this password before the creation process begins. Also mailboxes cannot be moved over as the two systems use a completely different type of mail storage method (mbox vs maildir).We will evaulate your system and give you a estimated cost and timeline to completion, but this is just a estimate and the actual migration may take longer.A typical migration takes between 3-5 hours of time and we can perform IP address renumbering during the migration. Or we can keep the IP addresses of all sites as they were on the source server. However, if the IP addresses are supposed to remain the same, then the source server needs to be powered down as soon as the import of the websites on the target server starts.
Each migration is different, one customer may have a few sites and a few users, whereas another might have many sites with many users on each site.
Please contact us to discuss the details of a migration as each one is different.Some web based software may stop working after a migration, such as Joomla/Wordpress/etc because of the differing PHP/MySQL/Perl versions between systems.
If you have legacy software that absolutely requires a discontinued version of PHP we can configure a copy of Virtualmin EL5 running PHP 4.3.10 to migrate your software to.
RAQport Inc.
2004 North Monroe Street
Arlington Virginia 22207
703-528-0114 voice
703-652-0993 voice 2
800-695-6200 toll free